Cuándo se duplican las consonantes en inglés

Do you want to know when to double consonants when using verbs in past simple? Here we go:


When we add -ed to regular verbs to form the past simple, we sometimes double the last letter of the verb, as in these examples:

stop – stopped

refer – referred


Sometimes, however, we don’t double the last letter, as with the verb visit:

visit – visited


When to double a consonant before adding –ed to a verb


We double the final letter when a one syllable verb ends in consonant + vowel + consonant.

stop, rob, sit            stopping, stopped, robbing, robbed, sitting


We double the final letter when a word has more than one syllable, and when the final syllable is stressed in speech. beGIN, preFER

beginning, preferring, preferred


If the final syllable is not stressed, we do not double the final letter. LISten, HAPpen

listening, listened, happening, happened


In British English, travel and cancel are exceptions to this rule:

travel travelled     cancel cancelled


– We do not double the final letter when a word ends in two consonants (-rt, -rn, etc.):

start started                   burn burned


– We do not double the final letter when two vowels come directly before it:

remain remained


– We do not double w or y at the end of words:

play played                     snow snowed


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Cómo se pronuncian los verbos regulares en Inglés

Pronunciation of Regular Past Tense Verbs

Inglés para empresas en Andalucía


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