Pronunciation of Regular Past Tense Verbs


Would you like to learn how to pronounce Regular Past Tense Verbs? Keep reading, then.


1- Pronounce / t / after all voiceless consonant sounds:  / f, k, p, sh, ch, s, x, /, except / t /.


2- Pronounce / d / after all voiced consonant sounds: / b, g, j, l, m, n, r, v, z / and after vowels / a, e, i, o, u / , except / d /.


3- Pronounce / id / after / t / and / d /.


When we say that the pronunciation of regular verbs depends on the verb word ending, we refer to its sound, not to its writing.


 For example, the verb ‘appreciate’ (apreciar), ends with vowel ‘e’, however, when it is pronounced, the sound ends with the consonant ‘t’:


/aprishieit/ (/əˈpriːʃieɪtɪd/), therefore we need to apply rule numer 3 referred to words ended with ‘t’ or ‘d’.


Would you like to have a list of regular verbs? Just ask and we’ll be happy to oblige.


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