The Passive Voice in English

La Voz Pasiva se usa mucho en inglés de negocios. Let’s work together the Passive Voice in English, shall we?


Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. Who or what is performing the action, is not important or even not known, however, when we want to mention the “doer”, we use the preposition by.


A post was written by Nathan.

The house is cleaned once a week.

My wallet was stolen.

A mistake was made.


The passive voice is formed as follows:

to be + past participle


It may also be interesting for you to know how to form a passive sentence from an active one, this can only happen when there is and object in the active sentence:

  • The object of the active sentence becomes subject in the passive sentence
  • The subject of the active sentence becomes object in the passive sentence (or is left out)



–          Present simple

Active: My friend reads a book.

Passive: A book is read by my friend.


–          Past Simple.

Active: My friend read a book.

Passive: A book was read by my friend.


–          Present Perfect.

Active: My friend has read a book.

Passive: A book has been read by my friend.


–          Future.

Active: My friend will read a book.

Passive: A book will be read by my friend.


–          Modals.

Active: My friend can read a book.

Passive: A book can be read by my friend.



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