Priorities in negotiation

It seems to be pretty obvious. When you negotiate you know exactly what you want to accomplish, don’t you? Then the right thing to do is to rank order your priorities, to sequence them.


What is the most important thing for you when you are trying to close a new client? Maybe the frequency of service? You may be trying to secure some volume in a given period of time. Or perhaps price is a critical factor for you. Once you establish what is the order of importance, you know when and where to make your stand.


Some experts recommend for you to be very upfront about your priorities. Just leave all the issues on the table and be open about them. Be specific about what the order of importance is for you. Then you can work towards comparing your ranking with the other part’s and study what options are there.



Rank order your priorities when trying to get a new client for your existing business. If you do not have a business, try to imagine a specific business and write a comment about it. 

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