En este post vamos a practicar como preguntar con el verbo To Be, que en español equivale a «Ser», pero también a «Estar».
Presente Pasado Futuro
am I was I will I be
are You are were you will you be
is He/She/It was He/She/It will He/She/It be
are We were we will we be
are You were you will you be
are They were they will they be
Algunos ejemplos para ayudarte:
Am I late?
Are you happy?
Is he French?
Is she cold?
Is it hot in here?
Are you tired?
Are you small?
Are they rude?
Crea una frase en presente y en negación con cada una de estas palabras:
Ejemplo: Spanish – Is she Spanish? / ¿Es (ella) española?
tired / cansad@ – happy / content@ – angry enfadad@ – cold / frio – hot / calor – hungry /hambrient@ – nice /agradable – big / grande – small / pequeño – beautiful /bonit@ – ugly /fe@ – silly tont@ – smart / inteligente – rude / groser@ – weird / rar@ – polite / educad@
Escribe cada frase en un comentario en este post, ¡y dale a enviar!
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