In the bustling world of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), where every decision can have outsized consequences, and the margin for error is slim, the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) cannot be overstated.

In the bustling world of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), where every decision can have outsized consequences, and the margin for error is slim, the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) cannot be overstated.
When you need to help someone make adjustments, it can be hard to find the right way to get the best reaction from the other person.
To make sure that your feedback is well received, you have to pick the right moment. How can you make sure it is a good time?
¿Cómo puedes pedirle que te dedique unos minutos a tu jefe si tienes que comunicarte con él o ella en inglés?
En su forma afirmativa, el simple present se construye con el sujeto seguido de la base del verbo que se conjuga sin terminación alguna, excepto la tercera persona del singular que añade «-s».
Who are they with? |
Who did you sit with at the meeting? |
What are you working on? |
What are you looking at? |
What was the meeting about? |
Where is she from? |
Where did this come from? |
Which school did you go to? |
Which restaurant should we eat at? |
Which candidate are they going to vote for? |
Whose house did they go to? |
Whose problems were they talking about? |
Whose party were they at last night? |
Hoy vamos a compartir el secreto mejor guardado para que siempre se ofrezca en tu empresa el mejor servicio al cliente de forma consistente. ¿Lo vemos juntos?
Recuerda este acrónimo: L.A.S.T.
Yes, it is going to be a post in English although the title is in Spanish. If you are a tax advisor for expats, how well do you sell your services in English? You are surely convinced that you offer a great service. The question is how do you sell your service?
Continuar leyendo¿Cuáles son los verbos que más te pueden ayudar a explicar tu parecer en cuanto a un asunto al hablar inglés? Este artículo te va a ayudar a expresarte en situaciones profesionales y personales.