You may feel that the first person to throw an offer is at a disadvantage in the negotiation. But is that really the case?
Know your targets and BATNA
Have you heard about Galinsky? He calls your walkaway point, your reservation price.
Priorities in negotiation
It seems to be pretty obvious. When you negotiate you know exactly what you want to accomplish, don’t you? Then the right thing to do is to rank order your priorities, to sequence them.
Share information
We are often very guarded and wary of sharing information as we approach a negotiation. Why is that? Is it smart sharing information in a negotiation? Let’s explore the subject.
False Friends
Literalmente ‘false friends’ significa falsos amigos. Son palabras que confunden. Se parecen al español, pero quieren decir algo diferente a lo que te viene a la cabeza. ¿Vemos algunas?