Do you want to be an effective leader? You may be an MD, or a self-employed. It doesn’t matter, you will still need to challenge others skilfully and effectively and be able to deal with people who challenge you. How can you do that?

Do you want to be an effective leader? You may be an MD, or a self-employed. It doesn’t matter, you will still need to challenge others skilfully and effectively and be able to deal with people who challenge you. How can you do that?
Have you heard about Galinsky? He calls your walkaway point, your reservation price.
It seems to be pretty obvious. When you negotiate you know exactly what you want to accomplish, don’t you? Then the right thing to do is to rank order your priorities, to sequence them.
We are often very guarded and wary of sharing information as we approach a negotiation. Why is that? Is it smart sharing information in a negotiation? Let’s explore the subject.
‘Eloquence is the power to translate a truth into language perfectly intelligible to the person to whom you speak‘ – Ralph Waldo Emerson. American writer and poet.
Nowadays you have to speak to many people from different parts of the globe. You need to use language they can readily understand. This is particularly crucial when influencing in an international context. How can you do that?