¿Qué significa Looking After en inglés de negocios?

¿Qué significa en inglés de negocios ‘looking after‘?

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Buscamos profesor/a de Inglés de Negocios en Alicante

Estamos seleccionando para nuestro centro de Alicante profesores nativos o totalmente bilingües con amplia experiencia laboral en países de habla inglesa, para incorporarse a un equipo fantástico y vivir una experiencia única.

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Human Relationships

Vocabulario sobre relaciones humanas

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9 Ways to Better Manage your Workload

Stress-free productivity is an art indeed. We are so busy that it is difficult to deal with our workload sometimes. How good are you with time management?

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The Art of Apologising

Do you know what are the most healing words in English? ‘I’m sorry‘ has the power to help to get rid of hurt and anger. When you speak business English, mastering the art of apologising can help you solve a few crisis with your customers and your team. Would you like a few tips?

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