We’re halfway through the year, and we want to do a quick check-in with you…
Categoría: Idioms
Idioms, expresiones en inglés que puedes utilizar en la empresa.

A Catch-22 situation
It describes a situation where you can’t do anything, because any action you may want to consider depends on other actions you cannot execute.
Any options you consider are not possible to implement or put into practice. You can’t win.

Fake It Till You Make It
The expression ‘fake it till you make it‘ is an invitation to do something you find difficult until you do it really well. And it means you have to repeat it time and time again so you master the concept or the action.
Some people are not in favour, Lisa Quast, who wrote the article Why you should stop trying to ‘fake it till you make it’. Some other people like doctor Amy Cuddy are well in favour:
What do you think?
True Leadership, the rare trait to be successful
Usando el título de un artículo sobre liderazgo recordamos y mejoramos tu vocabulario de inglés de negocios. ¿Preparados? ¿Listos? ¡Ya!
How Can You Tell Someone Has True Leadership Skills? This Famous Study Narrows It Down to This 1 Rare Trait
In 2001, this best-selling management consultant identified one leadership behavior found in the most successful CEOs. Some things just don’t change over time.

between a rock and a hard place…
¿Has estado alguna vez ‘between a rock and a hard place‘? ¿Sabes cómo usar esta expresión en inglés de negocios?