What it means to be #English

Do you know an English person? What are they like? Are they a Gentleman or a Lady? Do they drink tea and eat scones? Do they speak like the Queen?

Maybe they don’t tick all of the boxes above; however they will definitely tick a few.

When I first moved to Malaga, Spain I very much tried to hold on to my culture a little bit even if I did deny it at first. A cup of Earl Grey tea, with milk and “two lumps”, two lumps I hear you cry? Yes, that is what we say instead of two sugars.

The stereotype of the British tea drinker goes back all the way from 17th century and apparently the average UK citizen consumes nearly 2Kg of dry tea each year. We are quite proud of our tea drinking; in fact even those who do not take part in any tea drinking at all will use the expression “as English as a cup of tea” or to describe something that they like they may say “just my cup of tea”, or in opposition “that’s not my cup of tea”.

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When in doubt, don’t hire, keep looking…

It doesn’t matter how sophisticated you think your company is.

It is the capabilities and commitment of its employees that ensure its success.

Without the optimum level of capabilities, knowledge and motivation, performance will suffer.

The only unique and sustainable source of competitive advantage in your business comes from the inspiration, knowledge and efforts of your team. Now that is something to be concerned about. Attracting, maintaining and strengthening the human capital base of your company.

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Key terms – Managing Employee Relations

Trade union.
An organization that is independent of an employer and funded by member contributions, the function of which is to represent worker interests in relations between workers and employers.

Collective bargaining.
The process of negotiation between trade union representatives and employers, or employer representatives, to establish by agreement the terms and conditions of employment of a group of employees. Continuar leyendo


El próximo 19 de enero U24BUSINESS será la empresa proveedora de traducción simultanea en una conferencia en Ascot, Inglaterra.
Tras el éxito de nuestros servicios como intérpretes en Los Ángeles, California, para la mayor empresa multinacional de networking profesional del mundo, se consolida nuestra posición como proveedor especializado de traducción simultánea en España.
Desde finales de 2013 ofrecemos servicios de traducción para reuniones, eventos y conferencias en España y en otros países.
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