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BTB Episode 01 – Acentuar en Inglés
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Aprende inglés mientras desayunas con empresarios @BTBMalaga
Discretionary effort #PostEnInglés #RecursosHumanos
Managing people in the twenty-first century
¿Por qué es mejor un English Coach que un profesor tradicional?
6 Factores a tener en cuenta al aprender inglés
Escala tu #Everest Habla #inglés de #negocios con
When in doubt, don’t hire, keep looking…
Are you achieving a market orientation as a #business ? #U24BusinessTraining
Learn English for Human Resources – Aprende #Inglés para Recursos Humanos #RRHH #idiomas #empresa

Please, Please Me… – Aprende inglés rápido
Please, Please Me…
When The Beatles sang those words, they were being unintentionally and unknowingly British. How so?
Discretionary effort #PostEnInglés #RecursosHumanos
Another week starts in this fabulous 2016, and we are again reaching those managers and Human Resources (Recursos Humanos) guys who want to practice their business English. That of course does not mean you cannot benefit from practicing these concepts if you are not an entrepreneur or manager or human resources executive. In fact, they will help you whatever1 you do in business.
We are going to work briefly2 the term ‘discretionary effort3’. What do we mean in HR4 when we use this expression?
Managing people in the twenty-first century
There is a huge knowledge base on managing organisations and people, right?
So why is it that many managers find the challenge frustrating and difficult? Continuar leyendo