¿Cómo se construye el Presente Simple en su forma afirmativa?
Etiqueta: bonificada
Financial English #6 | Términos Inglés Financiero
Do you want to get better in the use of financial terms? You’ve come to the right place, then. In today’s article we explain the following concepts:
Fiscal year
Fixed asset
Fixed cost
Financial English #4 | Términos Inglés Financiero
We are going to talk today about the following financial terms:
cash flow
chart of accounts
contingent liabilities
Do you want to learn how to use these terms? Let’s get into it.
Financial English #3 | Términos Inglés Financiero
How is your Business English coming along? This article will help you to grasp the meaning of the following financial terms:
- bad debts
- balance sheet
- bonds
- book value
- breakeven point
Easy as pie…
Financial English #2 | Términos #Inglés Financiero
How would you explain the following financial terms? ¿Cómo explicarías los siguientes términos de vocabulario financiero en inglés?
- Aging
- Amortize
- Appreciation
- Assets
- Audit
Here you will find some great material to be able to explain these concepts. Read and share this post!