BTB Episode 06 | Wouldn’t give me the time of day

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Lista de Videos

BTB Episode 01 | Acentuar en inglés

BTB Episode 02 | Why the long face?

BTB Episode 03 | By the skin of your teeth

BTB Episode 04 | A no win situation

BTB Episode 05 | Plain sailing

BTB Episode 06 | Wouldn’t Give You The Time of Day

BTB Episode 07 | Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

BTB Episode 08 | Bend Over Backwards

BTB Episode 09 | To Call It A Day

¿Qué significa en inglés ‘Plain Sailing’?


Plain sailing …

Como la seda …


When things are going just as you expected, without any problems.

Cuando las cosas van tal y como esperabas, sin ningún problema.


That’s the definition, now how do we use it?

Esa es la definición, pero ahora ¿cómo usamos esta expresión?


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I’m In On ThAt – Aprende a usar In, On, At


Do you know when and how to use the prepositions In, On and At? Are you comfortable with each one of them?

Chances are, that even if you are an advanced fluent English speaker, you will find yourself wondering which one to use when.

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How do you feel when you realise it’s Friday? You’re almost done for the week! 

It’s the final push before the weekend.

TGIF, aside from being a restaurant franchise, is also a happy expression to celebrate the last day of the working week.
So guys, what are your plans for the weekend? TGIF!!
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BTB Episode 01 | Accent and Stress

BTB Episode 02 | Why the Long Face

BTB Episode 03 | By the Skin of your Teeth