‘Blowing Your Own Trumpet’

What do we mean when we say someone ‘is blowing his own trumpet’? How can we use it while speaking Business English?


¿Qué queremos decir cuando decimos que alguien ‘está soplando su propia trompeta’? ¿Cómo podemos utilizarla al hablar inglés de negocios?


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We’ve got an issue here

Cómo utilizar la palabra ‘issue

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Coletillas interrogativas, ‘Question Tags’

What are Question Tags and how can you use them?

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Zero Plural

So what is the Zero Plural? Keep reading 😉

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Financial English #8 | Términos Inglés Financiero

Another week, a few more financial terms to enhance your business vocabulary. Share is only fair, isn´t it? Please share this post.


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