The 7 Cs of Powerful Communication

Communication is one of the most demanded skills in companies, and one of the most helpful abilities in life. Focusing solely on “your level” of English is a mistake, as having a certificate does not necessarily make you an effective communicator. When you communicate powerfully, you are able to:


  • Transmit your ideas successfully to the other person.
  • Truly understand what the other person wants to communicate to you.
  • Connect with the other person.


This requires practice, confidence and humility. Delivering and receiving messages and connecting with the person or people in front of you, is much more important than speaking in a “perfect” way.


Obsessing too much about grammar and vocabulary can be an obstacle to effective communication.


To communicate like a pro, there are seven “C” adjectives to bear in mind. If, with practice, you become these adjectives when communicating, you will notice that your relationships and results will also improve.  Let’s look at these seven “Cs” in the context of a presentation.

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Inglés para empresas en Andalucía

Don’t panic, Time management can be mastered

Don’t panic, organise!
To organise means to “arrange systematically; order” and to “make  arrangements or “preparations for an event or activity”. This simple definition  can be interpreted in different ways, but to be organised with our work can be  what makes a difference in our productivity and the results that we ultimately  achieve. How would you answer these questions?

1) What does it mean to be organised in your line of work?
2) Does organisation depend on the work you do or the ope of person you are?
3) What do you do to get the most out of your work day?


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Here’s what you’re dying to know about Gerard

Let’s practice a little bit you listening when the other person is scottish.

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Te regalamos 5 Phrasal Verbs

¿Qué son los Phrasal verbs? ¿Te gustaría mejorar tu dominio de estos verbos tan importantes? Sigue nuestro blog. En este artículo te regalamos 5 phrasal verbs.

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