Transitional Words List #8 14 agosto, 2018 U 2 4 Business How can you describe, qualify, restrict or limit space? Continuar leyendo
Transitional Words List #7 14 agosto, 2018 U 2 4 Business How can you define, limit or restrict time? Continuar leyendo
Transitional Words List #6 14 agosto, 2018 U 2 4 Business Concluding, summarising and restating ideas: Continuar leyendo
Transitional Words List #5 14 agosto, 2018 U 2 4 Business How can you describe an effect or a consequence after something takes place? Continuar leyendo
Transitional Words List #4 14 agosto, 2018 U 2 4 Business How can you support what you say by way of examples? How can you stress the importance of something? How can you illustrate an idea? Continuar leyendo